Welcome Tech is the world’s first digital platform to provide the global, multigenerational immigrant community with the linguistically and culturally relevant resources to thrive in a new country.

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Owl Ventures has been an incredibly strong partner to Welcome Tech. Their ongoing commitment, support, and expertise in the education sector are key in helping us pursue our mission of empowering the immigrant community for success. As we build the future of immigration, education is a critical piece of that future, and we are very grateful and honored to have Owl Ventures be part of our journey.

Amir Hemmat

Co-Founder and CEO

Welcome Tech is the leading technology and services platform that accelerates success for the global, multigenerational immigrant community by providing essential, custom resources to thrive in a new country. Welcome Tech's unparalleled first-party data and proprietary technology inform affordable, fair and custom solutions across key services including banking (PODERcard), credit, payments, healthcare (PODERsalud), education, and more. Welcome's platform currently serves more than 3.9 million immigrants in the United States.